26.00 Intelligente bygningsinstallationer
- Rockwell Automation
- Haupa
- Disruptive Technologies
- Partex
- ProSoft
- Harting
- Festo
- 10.00 Luftledningsmateriel og master
- 11.00 Kabelskabe
- 12.00 Kapslings- og tavlemateriel
- 13.00 Forskruningsmateriel
- 15.00 CEE-materiel
- 16.00 Målerrammer og gruppeafsætninger
- 17.00 Afbryder- og stikdåsemateriel
- 18.00 Industrimateriel
- 19.00 Jordings- og potentialudligningsmateriel
- 21.00 Forgreningsmateriel
- 22.00 Automatiske afbrydere/koblingsmateriel
- 23.00 Tids- og funktionsrelæer
- 24.00 Styrings- og funktionskomponenter
- 25.00 Sikringer
- 26.00 Intelligente bygningsinstallationer
- 27.00 Opmærkningsmateriel
- 28.00 Stikpropper og forlængerled
- 29.00 Højspændingsmateriel
- 30.00 Rør
- 32.00 Ledninger, stærkstrøm
- 35.00 Svagstrømskabler
- 36.00 Kabelkanaler og -lister
- 37.00 Kabelbakker
- 39.00 Befæstelsesmateriel
- 50.00 Glødelamper
- 60.00 Motorer, pumper, spændingsregulering og -overvågning m.m
- 61.00 Køl
- 62.00 Transformere
- 63.00 Strømforsyninger
- 65.00 Materiel for elektronisk motorstyring
- 67.00 Lysdæmpere og lysreguleringsudstyr
- 68.00 Materiel for transientbeskyttelse
- 78.00 Apparater for rumklima
- 82.00 Tele- og kommunikations- anlæg
- 84.00 Optiske transmissions- systemer
- 85.00 Overvågnings- og alarmanlæg
- 86.00 Data-installationsmateriel (ekskl. kabler)
- 87.00 Antenneanlæg
- 89.00 Elektroniksystemer
- 91.00 Elektronikkomponenter (passive)
- 92.00 Diverse komponenter, svagstrøm
- 94.00 Elementer, lygter og akkumulatorer
- 97.00 Værktøj
- 98.00 Instrumenter
- 99.00 Andre varer
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R1 SENSOR 3gang2 comf u/display sort

sch-product-heading-ean | 4011334381082 |
sch-product-heading-type | 75143865 |
Supplier | Berker |
sch-product-heading-productno | |
sch-product-heading-provideproduct | sch-product-provide-article-s |
sch-product-heading-instock | ![]() |
Arrival time (days) | 14 |
sch-product-heading-sales-packaging-size | 1 |
sch-product-heading-minimumsale | 1 |
sch-product-heading-unit | Stk |
Berker R.1
Touch sensor, 3-gang, comfort With integral bus coupling unit glass, black Operating temperature -5 - +45 °C
For various printing options, please see Web Configurator at www.berker.de.
For individually printed glass sensors, the Web Configurator generates an extended order no. that must be specified when ordering.
operation by gently touching the sensor surfaces on the white LED
with anti-dismantling protection
With one blue operation LED and 6 white status LEDs
for switch, push-button, dimmer and shutter functions
value transmitter for dimming, position, brightness and temperature values 1 and 2 byte
Retrieval, adjustment and storage of 8 light scenes
extension unit for light scene push-button
can be used as a controller extension unit
cyclic transmission can also be started via switching object
single and two push-button operation parameterisable
one push-button operation for switching, pushing, shutters and dimming
Touch sensor, 3-gang, comfort With integral bus coupling unit glass, black Operating temperature -5 - +45 °C
For various printing options, please see Web Configurator at www.berker.de.
For individually printed glass sensors, the Web Configurator generates an extended order no. that must be specified when ordering.
operation by gently touching the sensor surfaces on the white LED
with anti-dismantling protection
With one blue operation LED and 6 white status LEDs
for switch, push-button, dimmer and shutter functions
value transmitter for dimming, position, brightness and temperature values 1 and 2 byte
Retrieval, adjustment and storage of 8 light scenes
extension unit for light scene push-button
can be used as a controller extension unit
cyclic transmission can also be started via switching object
single and two push-button operation parameterisable
one push-button operation for switching, pushing, shutters and dimming
sch-product-heading-prop | sch-product-heading-propval |
Andre bus-systemer | Ingen |
Antal betjeningspunkter | 6 |
Antal knapper | 0 |
Bus-system EIB/KNX | Ja |
Bus-system KNX radio | Nej |
Bus-system LON | Nej |
Bus-system net (PowerLine) | Nej |
Bus-system radiofrekvens | Nej |
EC000672 | EC000672 |
Farve | Sort |
Inklusiv bustilslutninger | Ja |
Kapslingsklasse (IP) | IP20 |
Materiale | Glas |
Materialekvalitet | Other |
Med LED-visning | Ja |
Med display | Ja |
Med infrarød sensor | Nej |
Med rumtermostat | Ja |
Med tekstfelt | Nej |
Med tyveri-/afmonteringsbeskyttelse | Ja |
Min. dybde af indbygningsdåse | 16mm |
Monteringsmetode | Planforsænket |
Overfladebehandling | Lakeret |
RAL-nummer (beslægtet) | 9005 |
Tovejs kommunikation | Nej |
Transparent | Nej |
Type af overflade | Blank |