Haupa isoleret krympe terminaler
- Rockwell Automation
- Haupa
- Disruptive Technologies
- Partex
- ProSoft
- Harting
- Festo
- 10.00 Luftledningsmateriel og master
- 11.00 Kabelskabe
- 12.00 Kapslings- og tavlemateriel
- 13.00 Forskruningsmateriel
- 15.00 CEE-materiel
- 16.00 Målerrammer og gruppeafsætninger
- 17.00 Afbryder- og stikdåsemateriel
- 18.00 Industrimateriel
- 19.00 Jordings- og potentialudligningsmateriel
- 21.00 Forgreningsmateriel
- 22.00 Automatiske afbrydere/koblingsmateriel
- 23.00 Tids- og funktionsrelæer
- 24.00 Styrings- og funktionskomponenter
- 25.00 Sikringer
- 26.00 Intelligente bygningsinstallationer
- 27.00 Opmærkningsmateriel
- 28.00 Stikpropper og forlængerled
- 29.00 Højspændingsmateriel
- 30.00 Rør
- 32.00 Ledninger, stærkstrøm
- 35.00 Svagstrømskabler
- 36.00 Kabelkanaler og -lister
- 37.00 Kabelbakker
- 39.00 Befæstelsesmateriel
- 50.00 Glødelamper
- 60.00 Motorer, pumper, spændingsregulering og -overvågning m.m
- 61.00 Køl
- 62.00 Transformere
- 63.00 Strømforsyninger
- 65.00 Materiel for elektronisk motorstyring
- 67.00 Lysdæmpere og lysreguleringsudstyr
- 68.00 Materiel for transientbeskyttelse
- 78.00 Apparater for rumklima
- 82.00 Tele- og kommunikations- anlæg
- 84.00 Optiske transmissions- systemer
- 85.00 Overvågnings- og alarmanlæg
- 86.00 Data-installationsmateriel (ekskl. kabler)
- 87.00 Antenneanlæg
- 89.00 Elektroniksystemer
- 91.00 Elektronikkomponenter (passive)
- 92.00 Diverse komponenter, svagstrøm
- 94.00 Elementer, lygter og akkumulatorer
- 97.00 Værktøj
- 98.00 Instrumenter
- 99.00 Andre varer
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SKU sch-product-heading-ean | Product sch-product-heading-type | ||||||||
Ultra Pressemuffe transparent, 4-polig SKU79.21.813.997 sch-product-heading-ean4011923586829 sch-product-heading-type265015 | 79.21.813.997 4011923586829 | Ultra Pressemuffe transparent, 4-polig 265015 | Out of stock79.21.813.997 | ||||||
Plade til Syscon 18mm SKU79.21.811.013 sch-product-heading-ean4011923559298 sch-product-heading-type220371/B | 79.21.811.013 4011923559298 | Plade til Syscon 18mm 220371/B | Out of stock79.21.811.013 | ||||||
Ultra Pressemuffe transparent, 5-polig SKU79.21.814.000 sch-product-heading-ean4011923586836 sch-product-heading-type265016 | 79.21.814.000 4011923586836 | Ultra Pressemuffe transparent, 5-polig 265016 | Out of stock79.21.814.000 | ||||||
Ultra Pressemuffe transparent, 8-polig SKU79.21.814.013 sch-product-heading-ean4011923586843 sch-product-heading-type265017 | 79.21.814.013 4011923586843 | Ultra Pressemuffe transparent, 8-polig 265017 | Out of stock79.21.814.013 | ||||||
Ultra connector Nylon, 2-polig SKU79.21.814.026 sch-product-heading-ean4011923586850 sch-product-heading-type265033 | 79.21.814.026 4011923586850 | Ultra connector Nylon, 2-polig 265033 | Out of stock79.21.814.026 | ||||||
Ultra Pressemuffe Nylon, 3-polig SKU79.21.814.039 sch-product-heading-ean4011923586867 sch-product-heading-type265034 | 79.21.814.039 4011923586867 | Ultra Pressemuffe Nylon, 3-polig 265034 | Out of stock79.21.814.039 | ||||||
Ultra Pressemuffe Nylon, 4-polig SKU79.21.814.042 sch-product-heading-ean4011923586874 sch-product-heading-type265035 | 79.21.814.042 4011923586874 | Ultra Pressemuffe Nylon, 4-polig 265035 | Out of stock79.21.814.042 | ||||||
Ultra Pressemuffe Nylon, 5-polig SKU79.21.814.055 sch-product-heading-ean4011923586881 sch-product-heading-type265036 | 79.21.814.055 4011923586881 | Ultra Pressemuffe Nylon, 5-polig 265036 | Out of stock79.21.814.055 | ||||||
Slutstik 4.0- 6.0 SKU79.21.812.184 sch-product-heading-ean4011923089481 sch-product-heading-type260430 | 79.21.812.184 4011923089481 | Slutstik 4.0- 6.0 260430 | Out of stock79.21.812.184 | ||||||
Slutstik 10 SKU79.21.812.197 sch-product-heading-ean4011923089498 sch-product-heading-type260431 | 79.21.812.197 4011923089498 | Slutstik 10 260431 | Out of stock79.21.812.197 | ||||||
rund stikkontakter (hun) 0,5-1,0/4 mm SKU79.21.812.200 sch-product-heading-ean4011923089528 sch-product-heading-type260440 | 79.21.812.200 4011923089528 | rund stikkontakter (hun) 0,5-1,0/4 mm 260440 | Out of stock79.21.812.200 | ||||||
rund stikkontakter (hun) isoleret 1,5-2,5/5 mm SKU79.21.812.213 sch-product-heading-ean4011923089535 sch-product-heading-type260442 | 79.21.812.213 4011923089535 | rund stikkontakter (hun) isoleret 1,5-2,5/5 mm 260442 | Out of stock79.21.812.213 | ||||||
rund stikkontakter (hun) isoleret 1,5-2,5/5 mm SKU79.21.812.226 sch-product-heading-ean4011923601973 sch-product-heading-type260442/10 | 79.21.812.226 4011923601973 | rund stikkontakter (hun) isoleret 1,5-2,5/5 mm 260442/10 | Out of stock79.21.812.226 | ||||||
rund stikkontakter (hun) isoleret 1,5-2,5/4 mm SKU79.21.812.239 sch-product-heading-ean4011923089542 sch-product-heading-type260443 | 79.21.812.239 4011923089542 | rund stikkontakter (hun) isoleret 1,5-2,5/4 mm 260443 | Out of stock79.21.812.239 | ||||||
rund stikkontakter (hun) isoleret 4,0-6,0/5 mm SKU79.21.812.242 sch-product-heading-ean4011923089559 sch-product-heading-type260444 | 79.21.812.242 4011923089559 | rund stikkontakter (hun) isoleret 4,0-6,0/5 mm 260444 | Out of stock79.21.812.242 | ||||||
rund stikkontakter (han) isoleret 0,5-1,0/4 mm SKU79.21.812.255 sch-product-heading-ean4011923089566 sch-product-heading-type260446 | 79.21.812.255 4011923089566 | rund stikkontakter (han) isoleret 0,5-1,0/4 mm 260446 | Out of stock79.21.812.255 | ||||||
rund stikkontakter (han) isoleret 1,5-2,5/5 mm SKU79.21.812.268 sch-product-heading-ean4011923089573 sch-product-heading-type260448 | 79.21.812.268 4011923089573 | rund stikkontakter (han) isoleret 1,5-2,5/5 mm 260448 | Out of stock79.21.812.268 | ||||||
rund stikkontakter (han) isoleret 1,5-2,5/5 mm SKU79.21.812.271 sch-product-heading-ean4011923601966 sch-product-heading-type260448/10 | 79.21.812.271 4011923601966 | rund stikkontakter (han) isoleret 1,5-2,5/5 mm 260448/10 | Out of stock79.21.812.271 | ||||||
rund stikkontakter (han) isoleret 1,5-2,5/4 mm SKU79.21.812.284 sch-product-heading-ean4011923089580 sch-product-heading-type260449 | 79.21.812.284 4011923089580 | rund stikkontakter (han) isoleret 1,5-2,5/4 mm 260449 | Out of stock79.21.812.284 | ||||||
rund stikkontakter (han) isoleret 4,0-6,0/5 mm SKU79.21.812.297 sch-product-heading-ean4011923089597 sch-product-heading-type260450 | 79.21.812.297 4011923089597 | rund stikkontakter (han) isoleret 4,0-6,0/5 mm 260450 | Out of stock79.21.812.297 | ||||||
Stikdåse fuldt isoleret 0,5-1,0/2,8x0,5 SKU79.21.812.300 sch-product-heading-ean4011923180041 sch-product-heading-type260451 | 79.21.812.300 4011923180041 | Stikdåse fuldt isoleret 0,5-1,0/2,8x0,5 260451 | Out of stock79.21.812.300 | ||||||
Stikdåse fuldt isoleret 0,5-1,0/4,8x0,5 SKU79.21.812.313 sch-product-heading-ean4011923180065 sch-product-heading-type260453 | 79.21.812.313 4011923180065 | Stikdåse fuldt isoleret 0,5-1,0/4,8x0,5 260453 | Out of stock79.21.812.313 | ||||||
Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 1,5-2,5 M 6 SKU79.21.812.742 sch-product-heading-ean4011923105242 sch-product-heading-type260718 | 79.21.812.742 4011923105242 | Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 1,5-2,5 M 6 260718 | Out of stock79.21.812.742 | ||||||
Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 4,0-6,0 M 3,5 SKU79.21.812.755 sch-product-heading-ean4011923105266 sch-product-heading-type260720 | 79.21.812.755 4011923105266 | Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 4,0-6,0 M 3,5 260720 | Out of stock79.21.812.755 | ||||||
Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 4,0-6,0 M 4 SKU79.21.812.768 sch-product-heading-ean4011923105259 sch-product-heading-type260721 | 79.21.812.768 4011923105259 | Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 4,0-6,0 M 4 260721 | Out of stock79.21.812.768 | ||||||
Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 4,0-6,0 M 5 SKU79.21.812.771 sch-product-heading-ean4011923105273 sch-product-heading-type260722 | 79.21.812.771 4011923105273 | Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 4,0-6,0 M 5 260722 | Out of stock79.21.812.771 | ||||||
Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 4,0-6,0 M 6 SKU79.21.812.784 sch-product-heading-ean4011923091064 sch-product-heading-type260724 | 79.21.812.784 4011923091064 | Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 4,0-6,0 M 6 260724 | Out of stock79.21.812.784 | ||||||
Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 4,0-6,0 M 8 SKU79.21.812.797 sch-product-heading-ean4011923181871 sch-product-heading-type260726 | 79.21.812.797 4011923181871 | Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 4,0-6,0 M 8 260726 | Out of stock79.21.812.797 | ||||||
Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 4,0-6,0 M10 SKU79.21.812.800 sch-product-heading-ean4011923181888 sch-product-heading-type260728 | 79.21.812.800 4011923181888 | Gaffelkabelsko isoleret 4,0-6,0 M10 260728 | Out of stock79.21.812.800 | ||||||
StikPressemuffer 0,5 -1,0 SKU79.21.812.813 sch-product-heading-ean4011923181895 sch-product-heading-type260730 | 79.21.812.813 4011923181895 | StikPressemuffer 0,5 -1,0 260730 | Out of stock79.21.812.813 |