26.50 Betjeningsenheder
- Rockwell Automation
- Haupa
- Disruptive Technologies
- Partex
- ProSoft
- Harting
- Festo
- 10.00 Luftledningsmateriel og master
- 11.00 Kabelskabe
- 12.00 Kapslings- og tavlemateriel
- 13.00 Forskruningsmateriel
- 15.00 CEE-materiel
- 16.00 Målerrammer og gruppeafsætninger
- 17.00 Afbryder- og stikdåsemateriel
- 18.00 Industrimateriel
- 19.00 Jordings- og potentialudligningsmateriel
- 21.00 Forgreningsmateriel
- 22.00 Automatiske afbrydere/koblingsmateriel
- 23.00 Tids- og funktionsrelæer
- 24.00 Styrings- og funktionskomponenter
- 25.00 Sikringer
- 26.00 Intelligente bygningsinstallationer
- 27.00 Opmærkningsmateriel
- 28.00 Stikpropper og forlængerled
- 29.00 Højspændingsmateriel
- 30.00 Rør
- 32.00 Ledninger, stærkstrøm
- 35.00 Svagstrømskabler
- 36.00 Kabelkanaler og -lister
- 37.00 Kabelbakker
- 39.00 Befæstelsesmateriel
- 50.00 Glødelamper
- 60.00 Motorer, pumper, spændingsregulering og -overvågning m.m
- 61.00 Køl
- 62.00 Transformere
- 63.00 Strømforsyninger
- 65.00 Materiel for elektronisk motorstyring
- 67.00 Lysdæmpere og lysreguleringsudstyr
- 68.00 Materiel for transientbeskyttelse
- 78.00 Apparater for rumklima
- 82.00 Tele- og kommunikations- anlæg
- 84.00 Optiske transmissions- systemer
- 85.00 Overvågnings- og alarmanlæg
- 86.00 Data-installationsmateriel (ekskl. kabler)
- 87.00 Antenneanlæg
- 89.00 Elektroniksystemer
- 91.00 Elektronikkomponenter (passive)
- 92.00 Diverse komponenter, svagstrøm
- 94.00 Elementer, lygter og akkumulatorer
- 97.00 Værktøj
- 98.00 Instrumenter
- 99.00 Andre varer
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SKU sch-product-heading-ean | Product sch-product-heading-type | ||||||||
Trådløst db tryk S.1 QL med batteri hvid SKU79.26.009.722 sch-product-heading-ean4011334370628 sch-product-heading-type85656288 | 4011334370628 | Trådløst db tryk S.1 QL med batteri hvid 85656288 | In stock sch-product-current-available979.26.009.722 | ||||||
Dob. tryk for modul indsats S./B. hvid SKU79.17.012.184 sch-product-heading-ean4011334368533 sch-product-heading-type85142188 | 4011334368533 | Dob. tryk for modul indsats S./B. hvid 85142188 | In stock sch-product-current-available779.17.012.184 | ||||||
Enkelt tryk for QL modul S./B. antra SKU79.17.012.236 sch-product-heading-ean4011334368335 sch-product-heading-type85141185 | 4011334368335 | Enkelt tryk for QL modul S./B. antra 85141185 | Out of stock79.17.012.236 | ||||||
Enkelt tryk for QL modul S./B. Alu SKU79.17.012.249 sch-product-heading-ean4011334368342 sch-product-heading-type85141183 | 4011334368342 | Enkelt tryk for QL modul S./B. Alu 85141183 | Out of stock79.17.012.249 | ||||||
Fjenbetjening af PIR 1701xx / 7524xx SKU79.17.011.680 sch-product-heading-ean4011334362494 sch-product-heading-type75904002 | 4011334362494 | Fjenbetjening af PIR 1701xx / 7524xx 75904002 | Out of stock79.17.011.680 | ||||||
Enkelt tryk QL KNX R.x hvid SKU79.26.009.395 sch-product-heading-ean4011334368915 sch-product-heading-type85145139 | 4011334368915 | Enkelt tryk QL KNX R.x hvid 85145139 | Out of stock79.26.009.395 | ||||||
Enkelt tryk for modul indsats S./B. hvid SKU79.17.011.952 sch-product-heading-ean4011334368328 sch-product-heading-type85141188 | 4011334368328 | Enkelt tryk for modul indsats S./B. hvid 85141188 | Out of stock79.17.011.952 | ||||||
Dobbelt tryk for QL modul S./B. Antra SKU79.17.012.197 sch-product-heading-ean4011334368540 sch-product-heading-type85142185 | 4011334368540 | Dobbelt tryk for QL modul S./B. Antra 85142185 | Out of stock79.17.012.197 | ||||||
Dobbelt tryk for QL modul S./B. Alu SKU79.17.012.207 sch-product-heading-ean4011334368557 sch-product-heading-type85142183 | 4011334368557 | Dobbelt tryk for QL modul S./B. Alu 85142183 | Out of stock79.17.012.207 | ||||||
KNX tryk 3tang - B.IQ Glas hvid SKU79.26.008.286 sch-product-heading-ean4011334380863 sch-product-heading-type75163090 | 4011334380863 | KNX tryk 3tang - B.IQ Glas hvid 75163090 | Out of stock79.26.008.286 | ||||||
KNX tryk 4tang - B.IQ Glas hvid SKU79.26.008.299 sch-product-heading-ean4011334380887 sch-product-heading-type75164090 | 4011334380887 | KNX tryk 4tang - B.IQ Glas hvid 75164090 | Out of stock79.26.008.299 | ||||||
B.IQ tryk COMFORT 4gang2 glas hvid SKU79.26.008.309 sch-product-heading-ean4011334380894 sch-product-heading-type75164590 | 4011334380894 | B.IQ tryk COMFORT 4gang2 glas hvid 75164590 | Out of stock79.26.008.309 | ||||||
B.IQ tryk m/regulator 3gang2 glas hvid SKU79.26.008.312 sch-product-heading-ean4011334380917 sch-product-heading-type75663590 | 4011334380917 | B.IQ tryk m/regulator 3gang2 glas hvid 75663590 | Out of stock79.26.008.312 | ||||||
B.IQ tryk m/regulator 5gang2 glas hvid SKU79.26.008.338 sch-product-heading-ean4011334380931 sch-product-heading-type75665590 | 4011334380931 | B.IQ tryk m/regulator 5gang2 glas hvid 75665590 | Out of stock79.26.008.338 | ||||||
TS glasplade for 2 tryk klar SKU79.17.051.653 sch-product-heading-ean4011334249313 sch-product-heading-type1392 | 4011334249313 | TS glasplade for 2 tryk klar 1392 | Out of stock79.17.051.653 | ||||||
TS trykknap for glasplade krom SKU79.17.051.666 sch-product-heading-ean4011334269915 sch-product-heading-type181110 | 4011334269915 | TS trykknap for glasplade krom 181110 | Out of stock79.17.051.666 | ||||||
Jalousi /markisetryk QL S./B. Antra SKU79.17.041.906 sch-product-heading-ean4011334371007 sch-product-heading-type85241185 | 4011334371007 | Jalousi /markisetryk QL S./B. Antra 85241185 | Out of stock79.17.041.906 | ||||||
Jalousi /markisetryk QL S./B. Alu SKU79.17.041.919 sch-product-heading-ean4011334371014 sch-product-heading-type85241183 | 4011334371014 | Jalousi /markisetryk QL S./B. Alu 85241183 | Out of stock79.17.041.919 | ||||||
EnOcean dobbelt tryk SKU79.26.009.256 sch-product-heading-ean4011334413165 sch-product-heading-type24111200 | 4011334413165 | EnOcean dobbelt tryk 24111200 | Out of stock79.26.009.256 | ||||||
EnOcean Tangent dobbelt tryk SKU79.26.009.269 sch-product-heading-ean4011334412656 sch-product-heading-type24121109 | 4011334412656 | EnOcean Tangent dobbelt tryk 24121109 | Out of stock79.26.009.269 | ||||||
B.IQ tryk COMFORT 3gang2 glas hvid SKU79.26.007.656 sch-product-heading-ean4011334380870 sch-product-heading-type75163590 | 4011334380870 | B.IQ tryk COMFORT 3gang2 glas hvid 75163590 | Out of stock79.26.007.656 | ||||||
KNX tryk 1tang - B.IQ Glas hvid SKU79.26.007.685 sch-product-heading-ean4011334380825 sch-product-heading-type75161090 | 4011334380825 | KNX tryk 1tang - B.IQ Glas hvid 75161090 | Out of stock79.26.007.685 | ||||||
KNX tryk 2tang COMFORT - B.IQ Alu elox SKU79.26.007.708 sch-product-heading-ean4011334257509 sch-product-heading-type75161094 | 4011334257509 | KNX tryk 2tang COMFORT - B.IQ Alu elox 75161094 | Out of stock79.26.007.708 | ||||||
KNX tryk 2tang COMFORT - B.IQ Glas sort SKU79.26.007.724 sch-product-heading-ean4011334372042 sch-product-heading-type75161092 | 4011334372042 | KNX tryk 2tang COMFORT - B.IQ Glas sort 75161092 | Out of stock79.26.007.724 | ||||||
B.IQ tryk COMFORT 1gang2 eloxeret alu SKU79.17.011.978 sch-product-heading-ean4011334257547 sch-product-heading-type75161594 | 4011334257547 | B.IQ tryk COMFORT 1gang2 eloxeret alu 75161594 | Out of stock79.17.011.978 | ||||||
B.IQ tryk COMFORT 2gang2 eloxeret alu SKU79.26.007.614 sch-product-heading-ean4011334257554 sch-product-heading-type75162594 | 4011334257554 | B.IQ tryk COMFORT 2gang2 eloxeret alu 75162594 | Out of stock79.26.007.614 | ||||||
Trådløst db tryk R.x QL m batteri hvid SKU79.26.009.858 sch-product-heading-ean4011334370796 sch-product-heading-type85656239 | 4011334370796 | Trådløst db tryk R.x QL m batteri hvid 85656239 | Out of stock79.26.009.858 | ||||||
Dobbelt tryk for QL modul R. hvid SKU79.17.041.731 sch-product-heading-ean4011334368700 sch-product-heading-type85142139 | 4011334368700 | Dobbelt tryk for QL modul R. hvid 85142139 | Out of stock79.17.041.731 | ||||||
QL tryk 2gang hvid blank SKU79.26.009.719 sch-product-heading-ean4011334369127 sch-product-heading-type85146139 | 4011334369127 | QL tryk 2gang hvid blank 85146139 | Out of stock79.26.009.719 | ||||||
Tryk enkelt Q.1 /Q.3 hvid SKU79.17.041.692 sch-product-heading-ean4011334368489 sch-product-heading-type85141129 | 4011334368489 | Tryk enkelt Q.1 /Q.3 hvid 85141129 | Out of stock79.17.041.692 |
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